Author Archives: CBA
Holy Spaces . . . Traveling the Missouri Breaks September, 1990
Highway 34 from Pierre to Chamberlain roughly parallels the Missouri River. The beauty of the drive is accentuated in early June owing to the spring rains which swell the Missouri River and make verdant the rolling hills that comprise the … Continue reading
Great Faces, Great Places . . . Holy Spaces July, 1990
The South Dakota State Department of Tourism has adopted the theme,” Great Faces, Great Places,” as its motto for the 199O’s. The slogan refers to Mount Rushmore and the varied and scenic beauty of South Dakota. With tourism as the … Continue reading
Reconciliation With the Earth June, 1990
Well over a decade ago, a certain quotation had a profound effect upon me. The subject of the statement was the proliferation of nuclear weapons, “For the first time in history, human beings have the capability to destroy all human … Continue reading
Reconciliation: To Remember, Repent, and Resolve May, 1990
(Bishop Craig B. Anderson, PH.D. of the Episcopal Diocese of South Dakota, is a member of the Governor’s Council for the Year of Reconciliation.) At the most recent meeting of the Governor’s Council for the Year of Reconciliation, the following … Continue reading
Remembering a saint among us: The Venerable Vine Deloria, Sr, 1901-1990
April, 1990 October 20, 1984 Dear Bishop, I rose this morning at 5:00 am. 1 walked a mile and then returned home to begin my morning with a pot of coffee and my pipe. Next I recited the ten commandants … Continue reading
An Answer To A Prayer March, 1990
God answers our prayers. While hardly a startling statement, we sometimes lose sight of the fact that God does hear and respond to all of our prayers — even those we sometimes think go unanswered. Prayer is our conversation with God. … Continue reading
Farewell to a Friend February 1990
Ben Reifel was a good friend. Almost all of his acquaintances thought of him as a friend. The Reverend Mary Husby, a close personal acquaintance and friend, stated that Ben Reifel had a certain quality, a warmth, sincerity and self-effacement … Continue reading
Leadership in Faithful Evangelism January 1990
At our Diocesan Convention this past October, we committed ourselves to a year of prayer and preparation to inaugurate L.I.F.E., Leadership In Faithful Evangelism, our way of formulating our commitment to the 1990’s as a Decade of Evangelism. As we … Continue reading
That They May Have Life: Part Two Nov/Dec 1989
“Yesterday, I noted that this morning would be Part Two of That They May Have L.I.F.E.” However, I think we heard Part II last night at our banquet: the insightful and profound words of Hugh Litchfield in his reflections on … Continue reading
That They May Have Life: Part One Nov/Dec 1989
I am here this morning to preach for a decision. I invite youth make a choice, to choose Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour of your life. To choose LIFE itself. To choose the peace of God which passeth all … Continue reading