September 2010 – Rector’s Ruminations
Since May, we have continued the process of strategic planning resulting in the following priorities:
Outreach: to continue our current commitment and find new opportunities to serve the greater Orcas community as “The Village Church,” which ministers to the entire island
Worship: to recognize that our ministry begins with prayer in finding ways to balance our liturgical heritage with new forms and expressions of worship
(Ad)ministration: to appreciate the importance of staff, programs and facilities as gifts and necessary components in supporting our mission, “to love God and God’s creation with all our heart, soul, mind and strength and care for our neighbors as ourselves”
Evangelism: to invite new members and families to join our parish family by exercising “radical hospitality” and nurturing young families
Pastoral Care: to envision members of the parish family as a “pastorate of all believers” sharing agape love within the Church and larger community through service, generosity and what we termed “hands on” ministry
Given these priorities, I am inviting your thoughts and ideas as to the priorities themselves and how we can best follow our vision and realize our mission. As the elected leadership of the parish, the Vestry needs your participation and support as we further define and refine the priorities, develop specific strategies to continue current efforts and plan new ministries and programs. In short we need your help and ideas because we shall be asking for your support in terms of prayers, giving, participation and the ongoing identification of the parish/community needs and opportunities for shared ministry.
How to help in the planning process? Beginning with the obvious, communication is critical. Discussing with one another our shared ministry, considering plans for committees and groups within the parish that you are currently a member of or would like to join, talking with members of the Vestry and with me as to your thoughts, ideas, hopes and vision, and how those might be translated into plans that can be complemented, supported and evaluated in light of our mission statement.
Our September 18th and October 20th Vestry meetings will be primarily devoted to the planning process for next year and the next several years. The Vestry needs your help and support and prayers.
In Christ, +Craig
By Bishop Craig B. Anderson